Podcast with Gen Zers – Think Like A Founder
Gen Zers share their insights into what has shaped Gen Z, where they're coming from, and what their philosophy is, with Maureen Taylor.

Gen Zers and young founders disrupting the norm, creating new paths, and figuring out how they can make a positive impact on the planet are the focus for Season 5 of Think Like A Founder.

On Season 5 Episode 1 of the Think Like A Founder Podcast, SNP Co-Founder & CEO Maureen Taylor speaks with Daliana Morassuti, Thomas Dalke (TK), and Sydney Thomas, her Gen Z Advisory Board.  

TK and Sydney are project managers at SNP. Daliana is the director of solution architecture. Mo gathered them and other Gen Zers on the SNP team to talk, to advise, to give insights, and to get their thinking about all sorts of things, because as she says, “they will be leading the future.”

They cover topics like:

  • What has shaped Gen Z
  • Where they’re coming from
  • What their philosophy is

Listen to the episode below:

Think Like A Founder is produced by SNP Communications in San Francisco, California. Visit the Think Like A Founder website to learn more about the podcast and curriculum or connect with Maureen Taylor on LinkedIn to continue the conversation there. 

Series Producer: Mike Sullivan

Sound Design: Marc Ream 

Content and Scripting: Catherine Hardy and Jaselin Drown

Production Coordinator: Natasha Thomas

Thanks also to Róisín Hunt, Selena Persiani-Shell, Jordan Bailey, Matt Johnson, Eli Shell, John Hughes, and Renn Vara.

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GMU Live

Hyatt tapped SNP to create a video promoting GMU Live — the onsite portion of General Manager University onboarding program. SNP traveled to Chicago for the shoot to coach the speakers on camera and capture compelling b-roll that highlighted the new general managers’ emotional, and educational journey into Hyatt.

Hyatt Glasswing Overview

SNP produced an internal marketing video to help raise awareness and adoption of Hyatt’s new Glasswing application, which tracks real-time financial data, KPIs, and other core metrics for owners and operators. From conducting the interviews, to coaching the speakers on camera and editing the video, SNP owned the content creation at each step of production.

Back in 2013, Asana was still a young company and some of their managers were experiencing leadership roles for the first time. So they needed to learn how to be, well, leaders. Like how to be more influential, directive, confident, and how to deal with conflict. Because if they could flourish then Asana could start to scale even faster (and without so many growing pains).

Enter SNP.

We started with just one 1:1 coaching relationship. But the good word spread fast. Soon enough more people from Asana’s management team were seeking our unique third party perspective, skill-based approach, and communications expertise to build their personal brand, strengthen their careers, and achieve more. (And did we mention the coaching program was a perk that attracted new talent? We didn’t? Well…) Eight years later and Asana is still scaling. And we’re still by their side helping them do it.

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